Bad Baby Names!

Welcome to BAD BABY NAMES! All BAD BABY NAMES are actual, verified names from newspapers & online webnurseries from the US & Canada. So enjoy & be glad your parents didn't name you one of these doozies! Remember: all babies are beautiful gifts from God, all created equal...all baby names, however, are NOT.

Thursday, May 11, 2006

BBN Weblinks: What Should Your Name Be?

A fun little quiz I found at Quizilla:

What Should Your Name Be?

Fan Mail #28

Dear Zen Angel:

Many of you know I watch the daily paper to read the newest baby names in our fair city. And occasionally I send a sampling of these names to family members for their entertainment and amusement. For example, in today's paper we have a baby girl named Indigo Blues. Over the years there have been some rather memorable choices for baby names, but today I think I found the absolute worst. And I am sharing it with all of you. Those of you who live in Spokane can check the paper and see this for yourself. Dacia and Brian named their tiny little baby boy: Charley Willard Horse Dick.


For our long-time readers...Mary is sister to Zusia! And thanks for that truly unfortunate bad baby name!

---Zen Angel

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

BBN News: 5 Rules of Thumb When Naming Your Baby

This list can be found at the She Knows Network...a great website! Click on the link to read the whole list and more pointers on baby naming!

Rule No. 1: Personal taste isn't so personal

Rule No.2: All last names are not created equal

Rule No. 3: All naming is local

Rule No. 4: Other people's opinions matter

Rule No. 5: Choose the name you would like to have yourself


Dear Zen Angel:

Today I was waited on by a cashier named Sarana'ye. At Home D'epot.


Dear BBN readers: this doozy was submitted by Zusia, who contributes so many great bad baby names to the lists! I wanted to take a moment to thank her...thanks, Zusia!

---Zen Angel